Terms & Conditions – Pro11 Trials



a. These are the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) on which we will provide the football trial on the date you have selected (the “Trial”). Please read these terms carefully before you confirm that you wish to participate in the Trial. If you take part in more than one Trial, these terms and conditions shall apply to each and every such Trial that you purchase.
b. If you are under 18 years of age at the time of booking your Trial, your parent or guardian must make the request for a place on the Trial on your behalf.
c. The words “writing” or “written” in these terms also includes emails.
d. When we use the words “you” or “your” in these terms, this includes anybody under the age of 18 in respect of whom a parent or guardian has submitted a request for a place on the Trial (as per clause 1b).


a. The Trials are run and organised by and on behalf of Pro11 Limited (“we” or “us”), a company registered in England and Wales under company number 11329084 whose registered office address is Beswick House, Green Fold Way, Leigh, Lancashire, WN7 3X
b. You may contact us at any time by emailing us at info@pro11trials.co.uk or telephoning us on 0161 850 8787.
c. If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address you provided to us when registering at pro11trials.co.uk therefore please ensure that we have your correct contact information at all times.


a. In order to take part in the Trial you must register via our website and will be required to complete a short online booking form (the ‘’Booking Form’’).
b. Payment must be made at the time of booking for your place on the Trial to be secured, as places are strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
c. If we accept your request for a place on the Trial and your payment is successfully processed, we will send you a confirmation email (the “Booking Confirmation”). When we send you the Booking Confirmation this confirms that we accept your request for a place on the Trial and that a contract has come into force between you and us in accordance with the terms and conditions laid out herein.
d. It is in our absolute discretion not to accept your request for a place on the Trial. This can occur at the time of booking or at a later date following a Booking Confirmation being sent to you. If we do not accept your request for a place on the Trial we will inform you of this in writing as soon as possible and any monies paid to Pro11 Limited will be refunded.


a. If you wish to make changes such as the date and / or location of the Trial please let us know as soon as possible by contacting us on our WhatsApp number, by email at info@pro11trials.co.uk or telephoning us on 0161 850 8787, and no later than 1 day before your Trial date. We will try to accommodate any change(s) you request where it is reasonably possible to do so, but we make no warranty or promise that we will be able to do this. 
b. You may change your mind about attending the Trial at any time but we will only be able to provide you with a refund if you inform us in writing 14 days or more before the date of the trial you have booked (the “Cancellation Period”). .
c. If you request a refund after the Cancellation Period we are under no obligation to refund you. However, we may still accept a request to change the date and/or location of the Trial as stated in clause 4a.
d. You will not be entitled to a refund for the Trial if it has taken place before your request to cancel, or if the Trial is due to take place within 24 hours of your request, even if the Trial date occurs during the Cancellation Period.


We reserve the right to refuse or prevent you from participating on the Trial at any time by informing you either by telephone or by email if:

a. you do not make full payment to us at the time of booking, or your payment is rejected or returned as unpaid by your financial institution;
b. we remind you to make payment and payment is not received within 48 hours of any such reminder;
c. you do not provide us with information that is in our opinion necessary for us to allow your participation on the Trial, for example, relevant medical history;
d. we believe that the reason for your attendance at the Trial (whether wholly or in part) may not be for improving and/or demonstrating your footballing ability, for example (but without limitation) if you are attending the Trial to scout other attendees, or for commercial purposes as per Clause 18, as is our absolute discretion;
you do not comply with these Terms in any other way.


Throughout the duration of the Trial you will:

a. meet and comply with the rules of participation explained to you by one of our members of staff during your introductory briefing and contained in these terms herein;
not behave disruptively, act dangerously or inappropriately, or be disrespectful to any member of our staff or misbehave in any other way at any time, or encourage other attendees to do so;
b. comply with all reasonable requirements laid out by us for your attendance at the Trial;
c. comply with all reasonable directions of our members of staff during the Trial;
d. maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards our members of staff and other attendees;

If you behave in a way that in our reasonable opinion violates any of the terms at clause 6 we may, in our absolute discretion, ask you to leave the Trial. There will be no entitlement for a refund under such circumstances and we may also refuse future participation in Trials as detailed in clause 5.


a. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically fit, well and able to participate in the Trial.
b. You must inform in writing us of any medical condition you have or know about, and of any medication that you may or will require prior to or during your attendance on the Trial. Failure to comply with this may put your health at risk and will automatically terminate your contract with us.
c. In the event that you require medical attention during the Trial, subject to any information you have provided to us in clause 7b above, you consent to us administering and/or arranging necessary treatment if it is deemed appropriate in the reasonable opinion of a First Aid certified member of staff.
d. Other than for any injury or medical condition caused by our negligence, and in accordance with clause 10, you accept and agree that we shall not be held liable or responsible for any injuries that you receive during, or any medical conditions you suffer as a result of, participation in the Trial.


a. The price of the Trial (which includes VAT where applicable) will be the price indicated on the Booking page, and we take all reasonable care to ensure that the price of the Trial advertised to you is correct.
b. We reserve the right to offer discounts to our services via partners such as Groupon or Wowcher, and to offer discounts for multiple bookings.
c. Payment for all Trials will be made through our payment partners Stripe or Paypal. By making a payment through Stripe or Paypal you will be accepting their terms and conditions. We do not, and shall not, at any time hold any of your credit/debit card details and should you have any issue with regards to payment processing please contact Stripe or Paypal directly.


a. In the unlikely event that your Trial is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions we will inform you by telephone or email as soon as is reasonably possible and will offer you an alternative date and/or location.
b. We reserve the right to cancel your Trial at any time if insufficient participant numbers make it unfeasible to proceed. If a Trial is cancelled due to insufficient participant numbers we will inform you by telephone or email as soon as is reasonably possible and will offer you a refund or an alternative date and /or location for the Trial.


We advise that all trial participants have adequate personal injury insurance in place to cover you for any injury or unforeseen circumstances. Except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence or fraud by us, or our officers or employees, we will not be responsible in any way (and we hereby exclude any liability) for, whether in tort, contract or otherwise:

a. any illness suffered or injury sustained by you or anyone accompanying you whilst travelling to the Trial or during or after the Trial;
b. any loss or damage to any property belonging to you during the Trial resulting from any cause whatsoever, including any items stolen, lost or left behind at the Trial;
c. any loss of profit, loss of use, loss of opportunity or any indirect, economic or consequential loss whatsoever; and/or any losses arising from any cancellation, postponing or rearrangement of a Trial, including but not limited to, any indirect or consequential losses for travel and accommodation.
d. the provisions of this clause 10 shall in all cases continue after the expiry or termination of the contract between us and these terms.


a. We may take photographs, film, digital video tape, audio and other recordings of you and your performance during the Trial for use on our website, social media, and for publicity / marketing purposes. In participating in the Trial you agree to grant to us in perpetuity the right to use your photograph, video image or likeness and your name where appropriate for our reasonable commercial purposes without imposing any restriction, or seeking any compensation or remuneration.
b. Cameras, telephone images, video recorders and all other filming/recording equipment are not permitted at the Trial. You may not photograph or record or attempt to photograph or record (whether permanently or temporarily) the Trial or any part of it, without first receiving our written consent in advance of the Trial being held.


a. If you are a registered intermediary under the regulations of any national football association, you must inform us of this when completing the Booking Form.
b. If you are party to a representation contract with an intermediary who is registered with a national football association you must inform us of this when completing the Booking Form.


a. We will use the information that you provide to us through our website and Booking Form in accordance with our privacy policy (pro11trials.co.uk/privacypolicy), and may combine any data that we receive from you during the Trial with any other data that we have collected from you through our website and Booking Form.


a. If you are not a resident of the United Kingdom please ensure that you are permitted to travel to and participate in the Trial before submitting your request for a place. If you are due to attend the Trial but are unable to do so due to travel issues or VISA restrictions, you will only be entitled to a refund in accordance with clause 4. We cannot and will not under any circumstances provide visitor VISA invitation letters or any equivalent to Trial participants.


Guests (“Spectators”) are welcome to accompany you to the Trial. However, all Spectators must:

a. not behave disruptively, act dangerously or inappropriately, or be disrespectful to any member of our staff, attendees, or other spectators or misbehave in any other way at any time, or encourage other attendees or spectators to do so;
b. comply with all reasonable requirements laid out by us as a guest at the Trial;
c. comply with all reasonable directions of our members of staff during the Trial;
d. maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards our members of staff, attendees and other spectators;
e. not be attending in any professional capacity, including (but not limited to) scouting other Trial participants, for commercial reasons, or for any purpose other than accompanying the Trial participant.
f. You agree that you will be held responsible for any acts or omissions of a Spectator and if a Spectator behaves in a way that in our reasonable opinion violates any of the terms in clause 15 we may, in our absolute discretion, ask either you, the Spectator, or both to leave the Trial. In such circumstances, no refunds will be issued.


a. You understand and agree that despite your or our best efforts, your attendance on a Trial in no way guarantees or ensures that you will be scouted by a professional football club.
b. Should a third party request your details during or following your participation on a Trial we will use all reasonable endeavours to make introductions to those third parties and assist in any communication between you and the third party


a. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation.
b. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.
c. We shall not be responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this contract to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, extreme weather conditions, explosion, war, organised union or third party labour dispute, embargo, governmental action or failure to act, the act of any civil or military authority, act of God, inability to secure transportation or other material facilities (including without limitation the venue for a Trial), acts or omissions of carriers, power or telecommunications outages, computer failures or by any other causes beyond our reasonable control. Should any of these event(s) continue for more than 14 days either you or we will be entitled to terminate this contract. If the contract is terminated by us we will offer you an alternative Trial date and / or location where reasonable to do so or a refund if this is not possible.


You understand and agree that you shall not disclose or use any information gained from the Trial for commercial purposes or pass this information to any third party for the same purpose.


a. No failure or delay by you or us to exercise any right or remedy provided under this contract or by law shall be considered a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.
b. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs shall remain in full force and effect.
c. These terms are governed by English law and both you and us you can only bring legal proceedings in respect of these terms or the Trial in the English courts.


We are the owner of all the copyright and any other intellectual property rights (both registered and unregistered) in these terms. We reserve the right to take legal action to the fullest extent possible under the law against any individual or entity who reproduces any of these Terms without our written consent.